The initial effort for Carolina North was completed in 1998 with the JJR Report, which established key elements of the planning and transportation systems for the development of the property.
Next, the Horace Williams Advisory Committee worked extensively with Ayers Saint Gross to develop a concept master plan using the JJR Report as a basis, for the highest and best use of the Horace Williams property to fulfill the strategic vision over the near term (10–20 years) and long term (100 years). The work of this committee helped establish more specific concepts of design for the type of mixed-use innovative research park that could be created at the property.
- The 2007 Carolina North Plan, approved 9/26/2007
- CN Planning Principles for Transportation, 10/19/2006
- Recommendations to Chapel Hill Town Council for environmental study (05/10/2006) and attachment
- CN Economic Impact Analysis, 11/24/2004
The Leadership Advisory Committee’s (LAC) purpose was to gather a broad range of feedback from the local community about Carolina North. LAC developed principles that will guide the University in preparing plans for submission to the local governing bodies.
Ken Broun, Henry Brandis Professor of Law at Carolina and former Chapel Hill mayor, chaired the committee, which included representatives from the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, Chapel-Hill Carrboro City Schools, Orange County, EmPOWERment, the State Department of Transportation, the governor’s office, and the University. Chancellor James Moeser formally charged LAC on March 2, 2006.
- Final report from the Leadership Advisory Committee, 01/19/2007
- Facilitator’s report for the January 18, 2007 LAC meeting
- Facilitator’s report for the December 16, 2006 LAC meeting
Committee members
- Etta Pisano, professor, Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Holden Thorp, Chair, Chemistry, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Douglas Crawford-Brown, head of the Carolina Environmental Program at UNC
- Lisa Stuckey, Chairwoman, Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board
- Delores Bailey, Executive Director, EmPOWERment
- Roger Perry, member, UNC Board of Trustees
- Bob Winston, member, UNC Board of Trustees
- Nancy Suttenfield, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Tony Waldrop, Vice Chancellor of Research and Economic Development, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Mark Crowell, Associate Vice Chancellor of Economic Development and Technology Transfer, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Anita Badrock, Vice President, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce Board
- David King, Deputy Secretary, N.C. Department of Transportation
- David McCoy, Director, N.C. State Budget Office
- Ken Broun, professor of law, UNC-Chapel Hill; former Chapel Hill mayor
- Cam Hill, member, Chapel Hill Town Council
- Bill Strom, member, Chapel Hill Town Council
- George Cianciolo, member, Chapel Hill Planning Board
- Julie McClintock, Chair, Chapel Hill Horace Williams Citizens Committee
- Barry Jacobs, Chair, Orange County Board of Commissioners
- Jay Bryan, Chair, Orange County Planning Board
- Valerie Foushee, Commissioner, Orange County Board of Commissioners
- Bernadette Pelissier, member, Orange County Planning Board and Commission for Environment
- James Carnahan, Vice Chair, The Village Project, Inc.; Chairman, Planning Board, Carrboro
- Dan Coleman, Alderman, Carrboro
- Mark Chilton, Mayor, Carrboro
- Randee Haven-O’Donnell, Alderman, Carrboro
- Mac Clark, Chair, Orange County Water and Sewer Authority Board
- Sharon Myers, geologist and environmental specialist, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Jessica Luginbuhl, student, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Laurin Easthom, Town of Chapel Hill
- Alice Gordon, Orange County
- Allen Spalt, Town of Carrboro
- Randy Kabrick, OWASA
- Jack Evans, UNC faculty
- Glen Glenstreet, Chapel-Hill Carrboro Chamber of Commerce
- Tim Burnett, UNC Board of Trustees
- David Gerber, UNC faculty
Between November and January, UNC-Chapel Hill is holding workshops focused on defining sustainability principles at Carolina North. The workshops are held at UNC and led by consultants engaged by the University because of their expertise with these topics.
As meeting materials are available from these workshops, they are being provided here for your information. If you have specific questions about the workshops, please email Tiffany Clarke (tclarke@email.unc.edu).
These workshops will help us gather and assess technical information fundamental to the planning of Carolina North, and will allow us to develop facts and figures needed for a meaningful exchange in subsequent public forums. This work is part of the discovery phase of our planning process where we will work with our consultants to explore the possibilities for Carolina North. The public forums that are planned to follow the technical workshops will be open to the community and will offer opportunities to build on the workshops and to gather additional information to inform our goals and vision for Carolina North.
We will conduct two kinds of technical workshops:
- Infrastructure workshops will include our staff, consultants, and selected experts working in specialized teams.
- An ecological assessment workshop, held the evening of November 6, included our staff, consultants, and invited local participants with special knowledge or expertise.
December 13 Public Review of the Ecological Assessment for Carolina North
Chancellor Moeser has said that Carolina North will be a model of sustainability. As one of the first steps to that goal, Biohabitats, Inc. has produced an ecological assessment to inform our planning. We are eager to get your input to help us shape effective plans for sustainable development at Carolina North.
We will hold two sessions (featuring the same information). Both sessions will be on Wednesday, December 13 in room 2603 of the School of Government.
Information from all workshops
- Living campus introduction from December 12-14
- Energy supply alternatives presentation from December 12-14
- Presentation on transportation, parking, and roads from December 12-14
- Utility infrastructure, energy generation, and consumption presentation from December 12-14
- Building typology draft metrics from December 12-14
- Presentation on water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, December 12-14
- Landscape, natural habitat, and water quality draft metrics, December 12-14
- Closing plenary report on water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, Dec. 12-14
- Workshop concluding session, December 12-14
- Doug Crawford-Brown’s presentation on the Community Carbon Reduction Program from December 13
- Workshop meeting report from November 27-29
- Building typology presentation from November 27-29
- Living campus concept for building typology, November 27-29
- Workshop introduction from November 27-29
- Ecological assessment peer review from November 27-29
- Workshop concluding session from November 27-29
- Landscape, natural habitat, and water quality workgroup presentation from November 29 workshop
- Water, wastewater, and stormwater workgroup presentation from November 29 workshop
- Energy workgroup presentation from November 28 workshop
- Transportation and parking workgroup presentation from November 28 workshop
- Meeting report from all November 6-8 workshops
- Workshop introduction from November 6-8
- Work group presentations from November 6-8
From the first conceptual plans to the Citizens Committee report
- Horace Williams Advisory Committee works with Ayers Saint Gross architectural firm to design a conceptual plan for Carolina North
- Initial planning sessions create several committees to address specific issues of the project: Executive Committee, Advisory Committee, External Relations, Infrastructure, New Business Development, and University Uses
- Town of Chapel Hill’s Horace Williams Citizens’ Committee meets and issues a report outlining the Town’s goals for Carolina North
- Horace Williams Citizens’ Committee updates its report
- Ayers Saint Gross updates its conceptual plan
- Talbert & Bright engineering and planning firm presents conceptual plan to Board of Trustees
- UNC Board of Trustees endorses vision for Carolina North
- UNC responds to the Horace Williams Citizens’ Committee report
- Letter from Chapel Hill mayor Kevin Foy to Chancellor Moeser
- Letter from Chancellor Moeser to Mayor Foy
- Letter from Neil Pedersen, Superintendent of Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, to the Board of Education
- Letter from Chancellor Moeser to Mark Chilton, Mayor of Carrboro, and Barry Jacobs, Chair of Orange County Commissioners
- Ken Broun issues Statement on Carolina North Leadership Advisory Committee
Master Planning/Project Management
1040 Hull Street, Suite 100
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-347-8500 (Phone)
410-347-8519 (Fax)
Luanne Greene
Karla Aghajanian
ASG is architecture and planning firm of 90 people in three offices working with more than 40 campuses worldwide. ASG has extensive experience designing environments that support the collection and dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Sustainable Design/High Performance Buildings
106 W. 14th Street
Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
866-894-2646 (Phone)
816-783-1500 (Phone)
816-783-1501 (Fax)
Bob Berkebile
Brad Nies
Mohit Mehta
“At BNIM Architects, we have made sustainability a way of life for our clients and for ourselves. It is not seen as an additional element of our design, or as an afterthought; it is simply the way we design.” BNIM is a focused, rigorous, curious and driven design practice, workshop and laboratory. BNIM is idea-centered. It is a place where design is the product and process. It is people who work together with a passion for elevating every aspect of work.
Ecological Assessment and Site Ecology
Biohabitats (Baltimore)
The Stables Building
2081 Clipper Park Road
Baltimore, MD 21211
410-554-0156 (Phone)
410-554-0168 (Fax)
Keith Bowers
Ted Brown
Biohabitats (Raleigh)
8218 Creedmoor Road, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27613
919-518-0311 (Phone)
919-518-0313 (Fax)
919-815-2309 (Cell)
Kevin Nunnery
The BioHabitats, Inc. firm is a team of ecologists, biologists, geologists, landscape architects, engineers, fluvial geomorphologists, and GIS/CADD technicians with a focus on regenerative design. Regenerative Design goes beyond simply solving today’s problems to recognizing the potential a healthy system is capable of manifesting long into the future.
Infrastructure/MEP Engineering/Utilities
Affiliated Engineers East, P.C.
1414 Raleigh Road, Suite 305
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
919-419-9802 (Phone)
919-419-9803 (Fax)
Jerry Schuett
Brad Petterson
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
5802 Research Park Blvd.
Madison, WI 53719
P.O. Box 44991
Madison, WI 53744-4991
608-238-2616 (Phone)
608-238-2614 (Fax)
Mike Walters
Affiliated Engineers is a strong advocate of utility master planning and has provided this service to multiple college and university clients to help guide the development of their campus facilities.
Civil Engineering
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP (RK&K)
81 Mosher Street
Baltimore, MD 21217
410-728-2900 x1333 (Phone)
410-462-9333 (Direct Dial)
410-728-2834 (Fax)
John A. d’Epagnier, P. E.,
Chris Krupinski
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP is a 622-person multi-disciplinary consulting engineering firm headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. RK&K’s expertise is in transportation, sanitary, environmental, civil, structural, geotechnical, mechanical/electrical, natural gas/petroleum operations, and construction engineering and inspection.
Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, Inc.
4000 WestChase Blvd., Suite 530
Raleigh, NC 27607
919-829-0328 (Phone)
919-829-0329 (Fax)
George Alexiou
Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PLLC specializes in transportation planning and traffic engineering services for public and private organizations. The principals of the firm are committed to their belief that transportation is about people, not just moving vehicles.
News release about the Innovation Center community meeting
November 29 Meeting
- Carolina North Innovation Center concept plan
- Invitation to the Innovation Center community meeting
- Map to the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center
October 4 Meeting
August 28 Meeting
July 31 Meeting
June 21 Meeting
May 29 Meeting
- Plenary presentation
- Breakout sessions (conceptual designs, transit, energy)
- Comments about the meeting
April 26 Meeting
- Plenary presentation
- Interwoven conceptual design with overlays
- Innovations Center presentation
- Grid conceptual design with overlays
- FPG Center poster
- Centers conceptual design with overlays
- Comments about the meeting