- Project Name
- Medical Education Building - Trade subcontractor prequalifying packages
- Prequalifying For
Prequalifying for trade subcontractors for construction of the Medical Education Building. Bid packages include:
01A General Trades
02A Demolition
02AB Abatement
02B Site Utilities
02C Site Grading
02D Temporary and Permanent Shoring
02E Paving, Curb, and Gutter
02F Hardscapes and Furnishings
02G Landscaping and Irrigation
02H Deep Foundations
02I Site Concrete
03A Concrete Structure
03B Architectural Precast Concrete
04A Masonry
05A Steel and Misc Metals
06A Architectural Millwork and Casework
07A Sprayed Fireproofing
07B Waterproofing and Caulking
07C Roofing
07D Terracotta and Aluminum Panels
08A Doors, Frames, Hardware
08B Fire and Smoke Doors
08C Exterior Glass and Glazing
08D Interior Glass and Glazing
09A Drywall and Interior Blocking
09B Ceramic and Porcelain Tile
09C Specialty Flooring
09D Acoustical Ceilings
09E Resilient Flooring and Carpet
09F Painting and Wall Covering
10A Specialties
10B Signage
10C Operable Partitions
10D Demountable Partitions
10E Lockers
12A Window Treatments
14A Elevators
15A Fire Protection
15B Plumbing
15C Mechanical and HVAC
16A Electrical
17A Low Voltage SystemsPrequalifying forms may be obtained from https://www.metconus.com/estimating/cm-risk/. Questions may be directed to Ronda Deese, phone 910-521-8013, estimating@metconus.com. Forms may be submitted electronically via email, or by mail, fax (910-521-8014), or hand delivery to Ronda Deese. Please make sure, if submitting hand-written form, that all information is clearly printed. Brasfield & Gorrie-Metcon will request illegible information be resubmitted and this will delay the prequalification process.
- Main Contact for Submission
- CM at Risk Frim
- Name of Design Firm
- Flad SLAM
- Design Firm Contact Name
- John Stevermer
- Design Firm Telephone Number
- Design Firm Email
- JStevermer@flad.com
- CM at Risk Firm Name
- Brasfield & Gorrie - Metcon JV
- CM at Risk Firm Email
- VOJanpa@BrasfieldGorrie.com
- Campus Contact Email
- aedean@fac.unc.edu
- Due Date
- 04/18/2019
- Due Time
- 05:00 pm
Submit To
Brasfield & Gorrie-Metcon
Att: Ronda Deese
763 Comtech Drive
Pembroke, NC 28372
Phone: 910-521-8013
Fax: 910-521-8014
Email: estimating@metconus.com
Advertisement Type: Construction Solicitations to Prequalify Contractors