This project is the partial renovation of the first floor of the Student Health Center in the Taylor Hall Building, specifically in the Sports Medicine department and public areas. The project will renovate approximately 12,000 SF of exam rooms, cast rooms, nurses stations, waiting areas, break room, support spaces and check-in/check-out areas. As part of this renovation, a portion of the loading dock will be enclosed to add more support space for the floor. The project will also add a hard canopy to the front of the facility. Project budget: $1,900,000.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on September 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM in Rm 233 at TAYLOR CAMPUS HEALTH at 320 Emergency Room Drive, Chapel Hill, NC. Please contact the project manager by email for a complete project Advertisement / Project Brief, including detailed directions to the facility.
Submit letters of interest and current SF-330 to:
Joe Fenton, RA
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Facilities Planning Department
Suite 202
103 Airport Drive
Campus Box 1090
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1090