Utility Outage Procedure
Capital Improvements Projects
(Electric, Chilled Water, Heating Water and Steam)
In the event that new construction work requires a utility outage the following procedure will be followed:
- UNC Construction Manager requests utility outages from UNC Energy Services through the appropriate service department ten working days in advance of a desired outage to allow coordination.
- The UNC Construction Manager will coordinate an on site meeting with representatives from Facilities Services, Energy Services and the contractors involved to determine the facilities affected, duration of the service outage needed and the extent of work to be performed.
- Energy Services together with Facilities Services representative will coordinate the time and duration of the outage with UNC Facilities Services customers including building users and Facilities Services Shops. Energy Services representative will coordinate any other affected customers.
- The UNC Construction Manager/Contractor, Energy Services and Facilities Services representative will agree on a proposed time and duration of outage following coordination with all users, shops, etc.
- When an acceptable time and duration has been established Energy Services will notify UNC building contacts and Facilities Services Shops, of the planned time and duration of the outage.
- Energy Services will notify Work Management of outage time and duration which will initiate an appropriate public notice and Energy Services will also post outage notices in advance on all building entrances.
- UNC Energy Services will shut down the utility at the agreed time.
- UNC Energy Services/Facilities Services Maintenance will provide inspection of the work on their services during the progress of the work.
- UNC Energy Services will turn the service back on when the work is complete.
Note: Where service outage occurs at Facilities Services’ equipment and does not involve Energy Services the above procedure will be followed except that “Energy Services” will be replaced by “Facilities Services” items 1 thru 9.
Contact Numbers
- Chilled Water Systems: 919-962-9053
- Cogeneration Systems: 919-962-1167
- Electric Systems: 919-962-8394
- Emergency: 919-962-3456
- Facilities Services: 919-962-3456