Campus South

Campus South refers to land on the Main Campus south of Manning Drive. Topography and slopes are defining features of Campus South that have informed its development. The University developed Campus South more recently than Campus North, and it includes a variety of large facilities such as UNC Hospitals and the medical research complex, the Dean E. Smith Center, and multiple large residence halls, whose construction on sites with moderate grades has molded the open space that exists today. The former Odum Village Graduate housing site occupies a significant swath of terraced, sloping land to the southeast of the hospital. Many of the parking resources for Main Campus are located within this area and are utilized for daily use, as well as for events and games at the Smith Center, Boshamer Stadium, and Kenan Stadium. Many campus utility infrastructure and facilities management functions are also located in Campus South.
Ecological Assets
Open spaces in Campus South may not be as iconic as locations on Campus North such as McCorkle Place, but they provide important ecological services and aesthetic appeal. Notable open space areas on Campus South include the forested knoll west of the McColl Business School Building, the Pinetum, a forested area along Meeting of the Waters Creek northeast of Manning Drive, the forested area on Baity Hill, and various landscaped courtyards, entrances, and spaces between buildings and parking.
Campus South comprises a second tributary of Meeting of the Waters Creek, with UNC Hospitals on the north side and Cardinal and Dogwood parking decks on the south side. Existing development in the area largely predates today’s more stringent water quality requirements.