A combination of campus and public utility infrastructure provides efficient and reliable service. Steam is provided by the Cameron Ave. Cogeneration Facility and Manning Drive Steam Plant, while electrical power is produced by the Cameron Ave. Cogeneration Facility and purchased from Duke Energy through three 100 kV substations. Chilled Water is produced by four central chilled water plants (Cobb, North, Tomkins, and South). Water, wastewater, and reclaimed water are served by the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA), and Dominion Energy provides natural gas. Stormwater collection and management is accomplished through an extensive network of pipes and onsite engineered management solutions.
The University has made progress in reducing the intensity of energy and potable water consumption, as normalized by gross square footage. Overall energy use intensity (BTU per gross square foot) was reduced by 30% between FY03 and FY18. Additionally, improvements have been made in the plants and distribution systems to increase efficiency. The University’s investment in reclaimed water and water efficiency projects resulted in a drop in potable water use intensity (gallons per gross square foot) of 50% between FY03 and FY18. Many opportunities to reduce the environmental impacts associated with utility production and consumption remain.