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Quality research space supports UNC’s culture of innovation. Research activities can be space and energy-intensive and require careful planning for high utilization.

Research space includes not only the research laboratories, but core facilities, and vivaria space. It does not include office only research spaces which is included under the Workplace section as academic and research offices. Significant disparities exist in research space quality that impact recruiting. While there is a nationwide trend towards more dry research, flexibility is preferred as many researchers use a mix of lab types. Flexible lab designs are becoming more common and can increase efficiency; however, efficiency and productivity cannot be easily compared across disciplines. No correlation was found between the amount of space needed to perform research and the research expenditures created from grant-funded research. Where possible, common services and equipment should be shared and not duplicated across disciplines, creating stronger core facilities with a business model. Metrics reinforce the critical need for additional vivarium space, and planned consolidation and reorganization of these campus facilities will address some of the deficiencies.
1,303,398 NASF
Genome Sciences Building Lab
Genome Sciences Building