Outlying Parcel Proposals
UNC-Chapel Hill controls large amounts of real estate outside the Main Campus. The Mason Farm Tract and Carolina North properties present redevelopment capacity that plays an important role in meeting long-term University needs. Capacity on the Main Campus is finite, and with many remaining sites constrained, some uses may be more appropriate for Mason Farm or Carolina North. Intentional clusters of development, avoiding disturbance of environmentally sensitive areas, showcasing commitment to the Three Zeros Environmental Initiative, enhancing connectivity, and building on existing assets to define places that are uniquely Carolina should guide decisions about future development opportunities at outlying parcels.
A detailed assessment of existing assets at Mason Farm highlight stewardship of environmental resources and preservation of recreation amenities as long-term priorities. The Master Plan supports past environmental assessments and recommends intentional clustered development that avoids disturbance to environmentally sensitive areas. Recent mixed-use development along NC 54 and existing University assets at the Friday Center present opportunities for leveraging future development.
The Master Plan affirms the 2007 Carolina North Plan which provides a framework for conservation and potential development. Athletic fields, sport venues, and faculty housing are potential uses identified in the 2019 University Master Plan that may be suitable for Carolina North. Further study of potential uses within the framework established by the 2007 plan will be necessary as future programmatic needs emerge.