Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions about the Master Plan, the planning process and next steps. For questions not answered below, please contact us through the feedback form on our website.
- What is the purpose of a master plan and do we have one now?
- A master plan establishes a long-term vision and guide for the physical growth and development of campus. The previous Campus Master Plan was completed and approved in 2001 and updated in 2006.
- How is this plan different from the previous plan?
- The 2019 Campus Master Plan will be driven by the University’s strategic plan, the Blueprint for Next. It will not be a standalone “building program” but instead will identify opportunities to renovate and create new spaces, encourage mixed-use facilities, and bring people together.
- Will the buildings and concepts shown in the Master Plan definitely happen?
- While some projects are already approved and are in planning and design phases, others projects shown in the plan are just concepts at this time and indicate areas of opportunity that could be developed in the future, if and when funding is available.
- How will projects proposed in the Master Plan be funded?
- Funding for future projects will be obtained and approved through the same processes that are currently in place.
- Who provided input into development of the plan?
- The Master Plan is the result of a campuswide effort to identify and address the goals, objectives and physical manifestations of the Blueprint for Next. Facilities Services and Real Estate Operations, together with our architectural, planning and design consultants, Ayers Saint Gross, worked closely with the Master Planning Executive Steering Committee and representatives from each Blueprint for Next Strategic Initiative group throughout the planning process. The planning team then engaged with campus and community stakeholders through a series of presentations and public community workshops to present the plan recommendations, address questions and receive feedback.
- How can I give feedback about the Master Plan?
- You may submit questions, concerns and other feedback at any time through the feedback form on our website.
- Why are we not currently developing Carolina North?
- We are not currently ready to develop outlying parcels but will apply the principles of this plan if and when we do. Future development would serve as a hub that would support several initiatives and not one department or division.
- Why is Odum Village being demolished?
- The Board of Trustees approved the demolition of Odum Village in January 2016 and demolition began in late 2019. Odum Village was constructed in the early 1960s to provide graduate and family housing. It was not cost effective to bring the buildings up to current UNC System fire safety standards and the buildings were closed to students following the 2015-2016 school year. Demolition of these buildings will allow for future development in this area of campus.
- What is a millennial campus designation?
- A millennial campus designation gives universities regulatory flexibility to finance projects and to collaborate with industry and the private sector on innovative ventures. To receive approval from the Board of Governors, a millennial campus must enhance an institution’s research and teaching missions and drive economic development in the area.