The Forest’s Land Stewardship Policy has been updated to reflect land management operations consistent with the continued operation of the Horace Williams Airport. During the week of February 16, the University’s Tree Crew will be clearing flight lines at the west end of the runway. This work will involve clearing and hauling in the area close to the fence line. Please respect the signage and other warning devices in the area for your own personal safety.
Shortly thereafter, work will begin on re-surfacing the gravel road at the end of Municipal Drive, including additional gravel and grading for drainage. Please be considerate of the contractor while he’s working to improve access to the Locust Lot.
The numbered waypoints have been re-positioned on all marked loop and spur trails. They are now approximately 1000 linear feet apart.
Finally, the trail maps available at this site’s ‘Maps’ page have been updated to reflect the changes to the waypoints and current trail layout.