As you prepare to move out of your on-campus residence, you may decide not to keep some items, but remember that your “trash” may be a non-profit’s treasure! By making a conscious choice to donate your unwanted items during move-out, you become part of a campus and community collaboration to support local non-profits, reduce your carbon footprint, strengthen the reuse economy, and preserve resources. Read the donation guide below for information about on and off-campus donation options.
Moving out of on-campus housing? Find your residence hall’s donation station.
Department of Housing and Residential Education (DHRE), Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling (OWRR), and Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers (TROSA) are partnering again to collect usable items from donation stations inside the on-campus residential communities. TROSA will use the donations within their furnished residences and will sell surplus items to benefit their non-profit comprehensive treatment and work training programs.
Donation Stations open on April 27. Students may donate:
- Appliances
- Athletic Equipment
- Bedding (will be donated to Paws4Ever)
- Carpet (both clean and dirty)
- Cleaning Supplies
- Clothing
- Electronics (broken electronics are accepted and will be recycled)
- Food (unopened, nonperishable)
- Futon frames (intact)
- Furniture
- School and Office Supplies
- Shoes
- Toiletries/Personal Items (unopened)
Please donate all of the above materials INSIDE in the donation stations. This will help us recover all usable material, and recover recyclable material, even in inclement weather. Please place broken futon frames next to dumpsters. Do not dispose of futon frames, carpet, cardboard, or other recyclable materials in the trash dumpsters or open-top rolloffs.
Please remember that individuals are not permitted to enter or remove items from dumpsters or remove items from donation stations. The only groups permitted to remove items from dumpster sites and donation stations are TROSA, OWRR, and DHRE.
Visit OWRR’s Student Move-Out Guide to find out where your residence hall’s donation station is located and learn more about TROSA.