Alan Moran, Cabinetmaker
19 years working at Carolina
What’s a typical day like in your job?
It’s hard to say that because there is no real typical day, and we do such a broad range of things. I work out of the carpentry shop, and we primarily do cabinet work, but every day is different. If we get a work order or a job, we will go out, visit it, figure out what the needs are, and then do whatever it is that needs to be done. It can range from creating a storage solution or handicap access to fixing an icon of the University.
How does your work support Carolina’s mission?
I would say we are in a support role. We help facilitate the mission by fabricating items that are needed or maintaining parts of the University. We are a small, tight-knit operation that is here to provide a service to this campus.
What do you like most about your work?
We all enjoy what we do here, and we have a lot of pride in working for the University and maintaining campus. I work with people that have been here for 20 years. We’re a family here at Carolina. I also love Carolina because it gives me an opportunity to meet people from all over the world with all kinds of backgrounds.
Where did you learn your skills?
I have 32 years of experience. I grew up in Ireland and started an apprenticeship there. Since then, I’ve worked for a yacht builder, a storefront company, an international trade show company, a custom furniture manufacturer and now Carolina.
What other types of projects have you worked on around campus?
We work to make Carolina a little better. Recently, we worked on the Old Well. Our shop can do specialized work, so when the issue of the base of the Old Well came up, we knew we could do the job. You won’t notice much of a change, but we replicated the exact moldings that were on the column bases. It took about two weeks to complete this project from start to finish. It was an honor to work on it. We also do work in the general administration building, various classrooms around campus and the houses of the president and chancellor. Another one of our recent projects was renovating the cupola of Manning Hall to match the cupola of Carroll Hall.
Carolina People is a regular feature in each issue of the Gazette that asks one of your fascinating colleagues five questions about the work they do for the University. Do you know someone with an interesting or unique job at Carolina? Please email your suggestions to and put Carolina People in the subject line.