Rameses Recycles is an integral part of Carolina Athletics’ commitment to sustainability and waste reduction on game days. At the 2011 Carolina Recycling Association Conference, Rameses Recycles won a Spotlight Award for its participation in the EPA-sponsored Game Day Challenge.
How to Recycle on Football Game Day
Beginning this 2019 Carolina Football season we have some changes to the Rameses Recycles program!
Keeping it Loose
Due to changes in processing requirements, recyclables can no longer be disposed of in plastic bags. As part of this change and our effort to Recycle Right at Carolina, we will not be passing out plastic bags in the tailgate lots this year. Additionally, we are making operational changes to our post-game cleanup efforts in Kenan Stadium to ensure that recyclables are un-bagged (loose) when they reach the processing facility.
- We will be offering a “new” recycling program these parking lots: Bowles Lot, School of Business Parking Deck, Public Safety Lot, Bell Tower Parking Deck and the Undergraduate Library Lot.
- To recycle while tailgating in these lots, pick up a paper bag at a Rameses Recycles tent or bring your own from home. Then, bring your paper bag full of bottles and cans back to the tent. Your dedication to Recycling Right at Carolina will be appreciated!
- For all other lots we encourage you to take home any recyclable materials brought with you on game day. To recycle right at home, remember to keep it loose and remove recyclables from bags there, too.
- There will be Rameses Recycles volunteers and Tar Heel Ambassadors in the lots to help guide you.
Recycle Right
Regardless of where you choose to recycle, we encourage you to Recycle Right and Keep It Loose! That means no plastic bags, no paper or plastic cups, and no food!
In the stadium, we want to remind you to recycle your bottles and cans! Bins can be found throughout the stadium and at the gates. Take your plastic stadium cups home and reuse them at your next tailgate!
Tailgate Responsibly
Dumpsters for trash are located in most parking lots. As a general reminder, please tailgate responsibly and leave your space clean.