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Building and Place Categories
Land Entity Category Title Example Minimum Features Minimum Space On UNC-GA Inventory? ID Format
A Major Building South Building On UNC-Chapel Hill Land, 2+ utilities 10,000 GSF Yes 3#[+1A]
B Minor Building Grounds Sheds, Trailers On UNC-Chapel Hill Land, 2+ utilities 9,999 GSF Yes 3#[+1A]
C Shed and Trailers Grounds Sheds, Trailers On UNC-Chapel Hill land 30 ASF Yes 3#[+1A]
L Space Acquisition (Lease or MOU) Carr Mill Mall UNC-Chapel Hill ASF Yes 3#[+1A]
N Space Acquisition (UNC-Chapel Hill not a party) European Studies in London Occupancy 500 GSF No 3#[+1A]
Q Customer Hospital UNC-Chapel Hill Services Customer No 3#[+1A]
R Parking, Recreation, Park, Named Place (Runoff) PR Lot; Alumni Garden; Battle Park 900+ square feet No 3#+2A+3# or PK + 3#[+1A]
U Utility Support Building SAC Well House On UNC-Chapel Hill land, one or more utilities 30 GSF No 3#+2A+3#
Z Legacy Data Old Tin Can; West House End of Use No Last ID Preserved


  • GSF and ASF as defined by NCES FICM/NC FIUM
  • UNC-Chapel Hill land defined as State land managed by UNC-Chapel Hill or land controlled by UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated endowments and foundations.
  • Decision: “CESC” refers to a decision by the Core EIS Space Committee determination.
  • Future buildings will be categorized as above based on best available planning data.