This coding structure is based on the 1978 edition of the NABUCO Program Classification Structure: Second Edition, Technical Report 106. It has been amended to meet North Carolina needs. The NCES refers to these as Function Codes.
Program code definitions are listed below with Indirect Cost Recovery Code title in parentheses.
11 – General Academic Instruction (Instruction – IN)
- Space used for all degree-related instructional activities offered by the University through the school or department, including the teaching of graduate and undergraduate courses. This space includes areas set aside for teaching positions and instructional related support services (e.g. projection rooms, classrooms, offices, storage areas for supplies and equipment). General Academic Instruction is funded through the 101 purpose code in UNC-Chapel Hill’s financial system.
- Note: Support personnel associated with the administration of instructional programs should be coded 46 – Academic Administration.
- Spaces used for certificates, training, and educational service programs offered by the University (e.g. short courses and adult basic and continuing education programs) should be assigned program code 19 – Service Agreements.
- Spaces used for certificates, training, and educational service programs offered by some entity other than the University (e.g. short courses and adult basic and continuing education programs) should be assigned program code 14 – General Studies (Nondegree).
13 – Requisite Preparatory/Remedial Instruction (Instruction – IN)
- Space for instructional offerings carried out to provide the learner with the skills or knowledge required by the institution to undertake course work leading to a post-secondary degree or certificate. These offerings, supplemental to the normal academic program, typically are designated as preparatory, remedial, developmental or special education services for students determined not adequately prepared for college level work in one or more subjects.
- Examples: preparatory/remedial summer program offered for students accepted under a conditional admission agreement, foreign language offering provided specifically to satisfy doctoral level requirement.
14 – General Studies (Instruction – IN)
- Space used for instructional offerings that is not part of one of the institution’s formal post-secondary degree or certificate programs, and that are intended to provide the learner with knowledge, skills or attitudes typically associated with an academic discipline
- Examples: short courses, foreign language for travel, adult basic and continuing education programs).
15 – Occupational-Related Instruction (Instruction – IN)
- Instructional offerings that are not carried out as part of a formal certificate or degree program, but that are offered to provide the learner with knowledge, skills and background related to a specific occupation or career. These offerings focus on the role of the individual as a worker rather than his or her role in society as opposed to a degreed curriculum
- Examples: continuing education offerings for staff, physicians, nurses and teachers; non-degree related career or vocational courses; professional review courses).
19 – Service Agreements (Instruction – IN)
- Space used for Federally, State, and privately financed special training, educational, and/or other service programs that are subject to terms of contracts and grants and are designed to achieve identified goals. These include special training programs, summer institutes, professional or technical services to cooperating countries, development and introduction of new or expanded courses, and similar instruction-oriented undertakings, but excluding special research training programs. These programs should use program code 26 – Research Training. Space may also be occupied from outside entities and can include sponsorships from NSF, NIH K awards grants, NIH training grants and clinician and young investigator awards.
21 – Institutes and Research Centers (Organized Research – RE)
- Sponsored research activities conducted within the framework of a formal research organization, institute or center, and includes only activities carried out for the purpose of creating new knowledge or reorganizing or applying existing knowledge. In order for an entity to be classified with this program code:
- it should have an official name;
- it should be funded separately from the department with which it is associated (i.e. it should have its own budget); and
- it should meet the definition criteria for research as stated above.
- Examples: Center for Study of the Aging, Center for Behavioral Science, Social Science Research Center, Carolina Population Center, Frank Porter Graham Child Development, Divisional Research Centers, etc.
- Excluded from this category definition are the federally funded research centers (for example, Environmental Protection Agency), which should be classified in program code 92 – Independent Operations/External Agencies.
22 – Individual or Project Research (Organized Research – RE)
- The pursuit of new knowledge that is new to the academic community rather than to the individual conducting the “research.” These activities break new ground within the academic community (and not merely for the practitioner or student) and might result in publication in a scientific journal. These research activities are separately budgeted and accounted for, have a stated goal or purpose, projected research outcomes, and are generally created for a specific time period under a contract or grant.
- Individual or Project Research is separately budgeted and accounted for through the 110 budget purpose of UNC-Chapel Hill’s financial system.
- Sponsored research administration units should use program code 69 – Sponsored Projects Administration. Departmental and administration units should use program code 46 – Academic Administration. Research training projects should use program code 26 – Research Training.
23 – Departmental Research-New Knowledge (Instruction – IN)
- Research, development and scholarly activities that are not individual or project research as stated above and are not sponsored, but do pursue new knowledge. These activities do not have formal protocols and may not have a reporting requirement. These activities do not go through a competitive process and are usually internally funded by the department.
24 – Departmental Research-Instructional (Instruction – IN)
- Research and scholarly efforts that are carried out as part of an instructional activity. They are not sponsored and may have an absence of formal protocols, and may not have a reporting requirement. These activities are usually carried out for the pursuit of new knowledge at the student level, but not for the academic community.
25 – University Research (Deleted)
- Please note that Code 25 has been deleted. If you have space on your report with this code, change it to the appropriate code.
26 – Research Training (Organized Research – RE)
- Externally sponsored projects, almost always federal, designed for the sole purpose of training investigators in research techniques and methodologies.
31 – Direct Patient Care-Institutional (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Non-sponsored clinical activities carried out for the specific purpose of providing patient care (prevention, diagnosis, treatment, education, rehabilitation, etc.). More directly, this program code includes spaces where patients actually are, such as treatment rooms, patient bedrooms or surgery. Offices may sometimes apply if they are used directly in the diagnosis of patients’ illnesses. In the post-secondary education setting, these services are typically rendered under the auspices of a teaching hospital or health-sciences center and are provided for the benefit of a clientele in the community-at-large rather than for the University’s own student body or faculty and staff.
- Patient-care activities carried out solely for the benefit of the University’s students or faculty and staff should be classified program 57 – Student Health/Medical Services.
- Patient care activities supported by a sponsored agreement should be classified program 81 – Sponsored Direct Patient Care.
32 – Health Care Supportive Services-Institutional (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Non-sponsored activities that are unique to a teaching hospital, health-sciences center or clinic and that directly support the provision of health care, but cannot legitimately be considered part of the provision of direct patient care.
- Examples: X-ray darkrooms, EEG, EKG, instrument sterilization, inpatient reception desks, medical records, admitting, patient charging and accounts, gift shops
- Health care supportive services supported by a sponsored agreement should be classified program 82 – Sponsored Health Care Supportive Services.
33 Community Service-institutional (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Non-sponsored activities that are established to provide general community services, excluding instructional activities. Community service activities are managed within the academic departments, or elsewhere within the school, and have been established to provide general public services to the community at large or special sectors within the community.
- Community Service activities differ from Cooperative Extension Services (classified program 34), in that they are generally sponsored and controlled by the institution; whereas, cooperative extension services usually involve a sharing of programmatic and fiscal control with an outside agency.
- Community service is concerned with making faculty/staff/student knowledge and skills available to the community or groups external to the institution.
- Examples of community service activities may be consulting with businesses, public school systems, local government agencies; provisions of coaching for community summer camp, etc.
- Community service accounts are generally coded with a 142 purpose code in the UNC-Chapel Hill accounting system.
- Community Service supported by a sponsored agreement should be classified as program 83 – Sponsored Community Service.
34 – Cooperative Extension Services (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Non-sponsored activities that make resources, services and expertise available to the public that are conducted as cooperative efforts with outside agencies.
- Excluded from this program are those instructional and research activities offered through an extension division. A distinguishing feature of the activities included in this program is that programmatic and fiscal control which are usually shared with one or more external agencies or governmental units.
- An example would be the Agricultural Extension Service, which is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Cooperative Extension Services supported by a sponsored agreement should be classified as program 84 – Sponsored Cooperative Extension Services.
35 – Public Broadcasting Services (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Space used for the operation and maintenance of broadcasting services that are operated outside the context of the institution’s instruction, research and support programs or primarily as a public service.
- Excluded from this category are broadcasting services that are conducted primarily in support of instruction which should be classified in program 45 – Ancillary Support.
- Broadcasting services that are primarily operated as a student broadcasting club should be classified in program 52 – Social and Cultural Development.
- Activities that are independent operations should be classified in 91, Independent Operations/Institutional.
36 – Clinical Trials- (Other Sponsored Activities – OS)
- Space associated with industry-sponsored agreements for research involving drugs, devices or compounds utilizing human subjects.
- Human volunteers are used to test the safety and/or efficacy of new pharmaceuticals, medical devices, products or treatments. In addition, animals and human subjects are used to determine whether a drug, device or compound is effective or dangerous. If the drug is determined to be safe and effective, an analysis of the effectiveness of the drug is performed on human subjects through sponsored agreements to determine the percentage of patients that benefit from the drug versus the subjects which do not benefit.
- Federally sponsored clinical trials should use program code 21 – Institutes and Research Centers or program code 22 – Individual or Project Research.
41 – Library Services (Library Services – LI)
- Space that directly support the collection, cataloging, storage and distribution of published materials in support of one or more of the institution’s primary programs. To be included in this program, library services should be separately funded and part of the campus library network. This program code is reserved for the main supporting libraries of the University. Therefore, the purchase of books by a department from its general funds would not be classified with this code even though a “departmental library” is produced. Relatively small and minor reference areas such as this operating outside the network is excluded from this category and coded 46 – Academic Administration. Typically library services accounts are coded with a 151 purpose code in UNC-Chapel Hill’s accounting system.
42 – Museums and Galleries (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Activities related to the collection, preservation and exhibition of historical materials, art objects, scientific displays, etc., that support one or more of the institution’s primary programs. Activities classified in this category should be separately funded. Thus, the purchase of objects by a department through its general funds would not be classified in this category even though a “departmental museum” is produced.
43 – Educational Media Services (Departmental Administration – DA)
- Space devoted to making instructional aids for radio, television or any other audio-visual medium that have been established to provide direct support for the University’s instruction, research and public service programs. This program includes only those activities intended to provide or make available media services.
- Code 43 does not, however, include simple instructional-related storage rooms and service rooms containing slide projectors and related equipment that serves only the surrounding rooms, which should be coded 11-General Academic Instruction.
44 – Academic Computing Support (General Administration – GA)
- Computer system service areas, including offices and study rooms, that provide direct operational, production or system support for academic disciplines.
- Where only one academic discipline applies (such as a service area or study room dedicated for use by the biology department), program code 11 – General Academic Instruction should be used with the service areas to the room coded 46 – Departmental Administration.
- Examples: Computing operation/production-data entry, production control, computer operations, data librarian, computer system support-development of operating systems, language compilers, generalized software packages special systems for general use.
- Except in the case of study rooms above, this program code’s use should be limited to central computer rooms which support a wider networking of computers and are dedicated to the programming and user services of academic programs, not rooms with one or two computer workstations.
- If the computer system service area supports general administrative operations, use code 64 – Administrative Computing Support.
- Additionally, computer support operations that charge a fee for services (recharge centers) should use program code 45 – Ancillary Support Centers
45 – Ancillary Support (Service Centers – SC)
- Activities that contribute to the way the University carries out its primary programs, but cannot be related enough to be assigned directly to a primary mission or support program code. Ancillary support activities more or less provide a mechanism through which the University’s mission is accomplished. This program code should be used only in rare circumstances.
- This code should not be used for small service rooms such as a projection room that supports a single classroom which should reflect coding similar to the classroom. It should be used for more centralized types of support centers within departments that serve a broad area. Some of these type rooms may be referred to as a recharge center and charge a fee for services.
- Larger self supporting support centers should be coded in accordance with the activities that are being performed (i.e., 44 – Academic Computing Support, 46 – Academic Administration, 64 – Administrative Computing Support, 63 – General Administration and Logistical Services or 22 – Individual or Project Research)
- Research support service centers that support research under the financial and compliance oversight of the Office of Sponsored Programs should use Program Code 49 – Research Support Service
46 -Academic Administration (Departmental Administration – DA)
- Space used in those activities that provide administrative and management support specifically for the University’s academic programs. It includes space occupied by deans, departmental chairpersons and their support staff. This program code includes activities carried out to obtain funding for research grants and contracts, academic program advising and developmental activities that are at a departmental level.
47 – Course and Curriculum Development (Departmental Administration – DA)
- Formal planning and development activities by faculty to improve or to add to the institution’s curriculum, including activities that individual faculty members carry out to update and improve current course offerings. Only administrators that focus almost entirely on improving and expanding curricula should be included in this program. In most cases these responsibilities are part of 46 – Academic Administration.
48 – Academic Personnel Development (Departmental Administration – DA)
- Areas for activities that may provide the faculty with opportunities for personal and professional growth and development, as well as those activities intended to evaluate and reward the professional performance of the faculty. It should include departmental research activities when they are carried out for the express purpose of the professional and personal development of academic personnel. Academic personnel development may include startup funds for new faculty members.
- Examples: professional meetings, publishing, recitals, in-service faculty-education programs, sabbaticals, faculty-development programs, monetary awards, faculty awards awards banquets
- Examples might also include offices responsible for arranging faculty sabbaticals or offices which focus on evaluating faculty through student surveys. Most of the activities mentioned are conducted by people with other primary responsibilities and thus program code assignments which results in the 46 – Academic Administration code, in most cases, being appropriate.
49 – Research Support Service (Service Center – SC)
- Research support operations (commonly referred to as recharge centers) that come under the financial compliance oversight of the Office of Sponsored Programs. Examples might be electron microscope rooms, instrument facilities, graphics facilities, x-ray facilities, etc.
51 – Student Service Administration (Student Services – SS)
- Administrative activities that provide assistance and support (excluding academic support) to the needs and interests of students. This program includes only those administrative activities that provide central administrative services related to various student service functions for the entire University as a whole.
- Examples: offices of student affairs, admissions, registrar, counseling, student placement services and associated administrative/support functions; including, student advisors, health and infirmary services, administration of special needs students.
- Excluded from this program are the chief administrative officer for student affairs such as a vice chancellor whose activities are institution-wide and should be classified as 61, Executive Management.
- Also excluded from this program are those functions related to the student administration of a single department or school, which should be classified similarly to the department or school and more likely as 46 – Academic Administration.
52 – Social and Cultural Development (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Activities primarily supported and controlled by the student body, cultural activities provided outside the student’s educational experience and general recreation activities for the student body. These activities may include fraternities and sororities, student clubs, student religious organizations, intramural athletics and student government.
53 – Counseling and Career Guidance (Student Services – SS)
- Formal placement, career guidance and personal counseling services provided for the benefit of students. Activities to be included are ones related to personal and disciplinary counseling, vocational testing and counseling, as well as those carried out to assist students in obtaining employment upon leaving the University.
- Specifically excluded from this program are faculty academic advising and counseling (which should be classified in 46 – Academic Administration) and student employment services provided as part of the financial aid program (which should be classified in 54 – Financial Aid Administration).
54 – Financial Aid Administration (Student Services – SS)
- Those administrative activities carried out in support of the University’s financial aid program. All space assigned to student financial aid, employment services, work study programs, scholarships, fellowships and loans are included. This code is limited to the University’s main Financial Aid Office and not personnel within departments that may assist students.
- Examples: counseling to provide information about educational costs; maintaining, updating, and storing financial records; assisting students, their spouses, and dependents in finding full- or part-time work; scholarships, fellowships and loans
55 – Student Auxiliary Services (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Housing services, food services, retail services and concessions, as well as specialized services provided for students. A fee is usually charged for these services. When several groups (students, staff, faculty, etc.) benefit from the same auxiliary service (such as a central cafeteria or food service), a determination should be made of the primary group for which the service is intended and the service classified accordingly.
56 – Intercollegiate Athletics (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Areas for team and individual sports activities that involve competition between two or more education institutions. This includes space for coaches, trainers, training table (dining facilities), recruitment, concessions, etc.
- Intramural athletics should be classified as 52, Social and Cultural Development Scholarships and financial aid administration activities provided in conjunction with intercollegiate athletics should be 54 – Financial Aid Administration and the operation and maintenance of athletic facilities should carry an operations and maintenance code (70’s series).
57 – Student Health/Medical Services (Student Services – SS)
- Activities carried out for the specific purpose of providing health and medical services for the University’s student body and/or faculty and staff.
61 – Executive Management (General Administration – GA)
- Executive-level activities concerned with the overall management of and long-range planning for the entire University as a whole (not departmentally). Included within this program are the activities of the various administrators involved in policy formulation and executive direction, including those of the governing board, the chief executive officer, and the senior executive officers. Legal activities conducted on behalf of the University are also included here. Activities to be included in this program may be: Board of Trustees, Chancellor, Provost, full vice chancellors and vice provosts or anyone who reports directly to the Chancellor or Provost.
- Note that associate and assistant vice chancellors are not included in this program; they would receive the program code which represents their individual administrative areas i.e. Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance should be coded 62 – Financial Management and Operations.
- Administrative activities that do not have an institution wide focus should be excluded from this program code.
62 – Financial Management and Operation (General Administration – GA)
- Activities related to the day-to-day financial management and fiscal operations for the entire University as a whole (not departmentally). Activities to be included in this program may be: Treasurer, Controller, Internal Auditing, Budget Office, Cashier, Payroll, Accounting, Investment Management and Endowment Management.
- Activities related to long-range financial planning and policy formulations should be included in 61 – Executive Management.
63 – General Administration and Logistical Services (General Administration – GA)
- Activities related to the general administrative operations and services of the University as a whole (not departmentally) (with the exception of those activities related to financial operations, to administrative data processing and to student records). Included in this program are activities related to personnel, facilities management, purchase and maintenance of supplies and materials, campus wide communication and transportation services, health and safety of the campus population.
- Examples: Affirmative Action Officer, Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, room scheduling, facilities records, facilities reporting, campus security, general liability insurance, purchasing, warehousing, motor pool services, parking services, campus mail services, copying services, telephone services
64 – Administrative Computing Support (General Administration – GA)
- Computer and data processing services that have been established to provide administrative support for the University as a whole (not departmentally). Administrative computing support activities may include programmers, data entry, computer operations, data librarian, operating and application system development.
- Academically-related central computing support should be included in program 44 – Academic Computing Support.
65 – Faculty and Staff Auxiliary Services (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Support services that have been established primarily to serve the faculty and staff. A fee is often charged for these services. This program is the faculty/staff equivalent of program 55, which covers student services. Included are food and housing services (rental houses), day care and parking. If the University provides the service for both students and faculty or staff, assignment of program code 55 or 65 should be based on the primary user group; prorating may also be used.
66 – Public Relations/Development (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Activities established to maintain relations with the local community, the University’s alumni, governmental entities, and the public in general, as well as those activities carried out to support the University (as a whole not departmentally) in fund raising and development efforts.
- Activities involving the use of alumni in recruiting students should be classified program 67, Student Recruitment and Admissions. Also excluded from this program are activities as a public or community service rather than as a public relations activity (code 33). Development at the departmental or school level should be classified in the 46 – Academic Administration.
67 – Student Recruitment and Admissions (Student Services – SS)
- Activities related to the identification of prospective students, the promotion of attendance at the University and the processing of applications for admission to the University.
68 – Student Records (Student Services – SS)
- Activities the University carries out to maintain, handle and update records for currently and previously enrolled students. These activities are typically associated with the registrar’s office and include student record maintenance, correspondence related to student records and maintenance of records for graduated students.
69 – Sponsored Projects Administration (Sponsored Projects Administration – SP)
- Activities associated with administration of sponsored projects. Included in this are the Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of Information and Communication, School of Medicine Sponsored Programs Office, Office of Human Resource Ethics, Animal and Care and Use Committee, University Research Council, Office of Research Development, areas supporting research compliance issues and any separate organizations established primarily to administer sponsored projects.
71 – Physical Plant Administration (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Administrative activities in direct support of the University’s physical plant operations. Included are Director of Physical Plant, campus architects and construction engineers.
- Note: Physical Plant administrators who are responsible for particular aspects of the campus (building maintenance, housekeeping, utilities) should be assigned the specific plant operations program code 72 – 76.
72 – Building Maintenance (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to routine repair and maintenance of the interior and exterior of buildings and structures of the University, including both normally recurring repairs and preventative maintenance.
73 – Custodial Services (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to custodial services in the University’s buildings or facilities. Office space for the director and other staff for custodial/housekeeping service should be shown under this program code. Larger custodial storage and supply rooms and locker rooms should also be shown under this program code. Small janitorial sink closets are not shown on the facilities database at the present time.
74 – Utilities (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to heating, cooling, light and power, gas, water and any other utilities necessary for the University’s utilities, i.e. power plant, sewage disposal, central air conditioning, etc.
75 – Landscape and Grounds Maintenance (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to the operation and maintenance of the University’s landscape and grounds.
76 – Major Repairs and Renovation (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to major repairs, maintenance and renovation projects. Major projects are defined as those costing in excess of $10,000 and not a part of routine maintenance. This program is assigned to space used by members of the physical plant staff who are responsible for major building repair, maintenance and renovation projects; this excludes routine maintenance (see program code 72)
77 – Recycle Centers (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to the separation and collection of recyclable materials. This code should be limited to isolated areas or separate rooms dedicated to the collection and separation of recyclable materials.
81 – Sponsored Direct Patient Care (Other Sponsored Activities – OS)
- Activities as described in 31 – Direct Patient Care; however, this type of space would be used for patient care being supported by a sponsored agreement. This type of space usually supports (but not all inclusive) sponsored Direct Patient Care grants having a 401 purpose code.
82 – Sponsored Health Care Supportive Services (Other Sponsored Activities – OS)
- Activities as described in 32 – Health Care Supportive Services; however, this type of space would be used for services being performed and supported by a sponsored agreement.
83 – Sponsored Community Service (Other Sponsored Activities – OS)
- Activities as described in 33 – Community Service; however, this type of space would be used for services being performed and supported by a sponsored agreement.
84 – Sponsored Cooperative Extension Services (Other Sponsored Activities – OS)
- Activities as described in 34 – Cooperative Extension Services; however, this type of space would be used for services being performed and supported by a sponsored agreement.
85 – Public Safety (Operations and Maintenance – OM)
- Activities related to the security and safety of the University’s population and facilities.
91 – Independent Operations/Institutional (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Operations that are owned or controlled by the University but that are unrelated to or independent of the University’s mission. Excluded from this program are those operations managed as investments of the University’s endowment funds. Examples may be airport, bowling alley, radio station, hotel, commercial rental property and conference center.
92 – Independent Operations/External Agencies (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Operations that are controlled or operated by outside agencies, but that are housed or otherwise supported in some way by the University. Specifically included here are federally-funded research centers such as the EPA Building.
- This program code differs from 91 in that the University does not use the space.
01 – Capable of Use (Other Institutional Activities – OI)
- Inactive or unassigned rooms that are not in use but are capable of use at the time of the update. Facilities Planning uses this code frequently when adding new space to the database that is awaiting departmental verification of the program coding and may therefore appear on departmental reports.
02 – Incapable of Use (Unassigned – UN)
- Rooms that are under renovation or have been declared structurally unsafe.
03 – Building Service – For Nonassignable Areas Only (Unassigned – UN)
- Rooms and other areas to facilitate accessibility of space to mobility-impaired persons. Includes elevators and public toilets that can accommodate the mobility impaired. Most departmental facility reports will not show these spaces as they are not assigned to departments and are building service.