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Student carrying a rug Student Move-Out: Don’t Ditch It, Donate It!

April 27, 2021

Students preparing to move out of campus residence halls can limit the amount of waste going to landfills by donating or recycling unwanted items.

Categories: Facilities Operations News, Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling News

Ryan Talley Spreading Mulch We’re Still Here: Keeping Carolina Beautiful

April 20, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, Grounds Services workers stayed on the job to make sure the outdoor areas of historic campus remained clean and picturesque. A year later, they’re still at it.

Categories: Grounds News

Saw Htoo We’re Still Here: Keeping Carolina Clean

April 13, 2021

Each weeknight at 11 p.m., the Facilities Services housekeepers of Zone 215 report to the Adams School of Dentistry to clean it so dentists and hygienists can treat patients at clinics during the day. They’re one of many employee teams working on campus since the pandemic began.

Categories: Housekeeping News

Wilson displays the piece of Woollen Gym flooring Recycle, Recut, Rejoice

March 5, 2021

The Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling helped a daughter give her father an especially meaningful present for his 90th birthday.

Categories: Facilities Operations News, Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling News

Paul Hardin Drive Closure Paul Hardin Drive Will Close to Through Traffic March 8 – April 16

March 4, 2021

Paul Hardin Drive will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday, March 8 through Friday, April 16.

Categories: Construction News