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$11.4 million mark has been surpassed!

January 18, 2012

Energy savings for the month of December as a result of the Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) program were a whopping $562,897, bringing our total savings since the ECM program was started to $11,403,191!

Categories: Energy Management News

2011 Awards and Recognition

December 31, 2011

The ECM program received the 2011 Association of Energy Engineers state award for project of the year. Kenan Residence Hall received the 2011 EPA Energy Star National Building award for the biggest enery reduction in a residence hall. Todd Freeman received the 2011 Chancellor’s Award Grounds Services received the Green Star…

Categories: Awards and Recognition

Energy Management Saving Energy For The Holidays

December 22, 2011

Before leaving for any extended period, please: Shut down desktop and laptop computers unless instructed otherwise by IT or administrative staff. If your computer, speakers, phone charger, etc., are all on one power strip, turn off the power strip after shutting down your computer. Unplug nonessential equipment such as copiers,…

Categories: Energy Management News

UNC Energy Management Breaks $10,000,000

October 27, 2011

UNC Energy Management surpassed the $10,000,000 mark in avoided cost this month. The savings is from the ECM program that the group started in July 2009.

Categories: Energy Management News

Energy Management Shower Timers

August 24, 2011

Energy Management just received shower timers from Big Guy Little Guy Promotions that RESPC helped us purchase for the EPA Energy Star Building competition.

Categories: Energy Management News