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Special Feature: Plastic Film Recycling at UNC

September 6, 2017

Watch now to learn about plastic film and plastic bag recycling at UNC Chapel Hill! This quick and informative video will tell you how to recycle plastic film, what types are recyclable, and where to recycle it!

Waste Assessment: Academic Year 2016-2017

July 31, 2017

Orange County contracted Kessler Consulting, Inc. to conduct a waste composition study (WCS). The purpose of the study was to understand the percentages of various materials, including recyclable materials, currently being landfilled within the County.

Waste Assessment: Spring 2013

April 8, 2013

During the Spring of 2013, John Moran, an Institute for the Environment Field Site Intern conducted waste assessments in three buildings: Morrison Residence Hall, the Dean Smith Center and Mary Ellen Jones.

Waste Assessment: Summer 2012

June 6, 2012

The Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling (OWRR) performed two waste audits in Peabody Hall in April and June 2012.

Waste Assessment: Fall 2010

December 15, 2010

During Fall 2010, an Environmental Capstone class conducted waste assessments at three campus sites: the Business School, the Law School, and the Student Union.