Access to Buildings During Construction
Refer to UNC-Chapel Hill Design Guidelines Chapter III: Construction Staging Areas, Pedestrian and Vehicular Access, Traffic Control and Pedestrian and Bike Safety Plans and Chapter IV: Construction Design Guidelines for Working Within and/or Near Occupied Buildings.
In order to maintain services to buildings under construction and adjacent buildings, OWRR and its contractors must be able to access dumpsters and loading docks during all phases of construction and renovation. Contact Shawn Ellis at 919-201-2832.
The questions and considerations given in this section are designed to ensure continued and efficient solid waste services to campus buildings.
These issues must be addressed and discussed with OWRR throughout the design process.
The information above can be found in the UNC Design Guidelines, Chapter I. General Principles, Section F. Waste Management, C. Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling Services to Buildings During Construction.
Will the building be occupied during construction?
The phasing and staging plans must take into consideration the continuation of services throughout the project.
(See Staging Plans and Container Removal, below.)
Multiple buildings may share a service area. Therefore, it is vital that this be taken in to consideration before assuming that dumpsters or carts can be removed or blocked during construction. (See the section below.)
All non-essential containers (dumpster, indoor bins, and carts) must be removed prior to any site work or construction fencing being installed.
Will staging, phasing, or fencing impede services to any buildings?
(See the Site and Space Planning page for a list of services.)
Site drawings must reflect current conditions and plans must reflect temporary changes. (See Staging Plans below.)
OWRR, Housekeeping, and Transporation & Parking must be consulted and problems resolved satisfactorily for all involved. Vehicular and pedestrian access via walks and ramps must be maintained to dumpsters and buildings.
Great! If, at any time, unexpected conditions cause access to be temporarily blocked, OWRR must be notified immediately.
The information in this section can be found in the UNC Design Guidelines, Chapter IV. Supplemental Guidelines, Section A. General Guidelines, 6. Construction Guidelines for Occupied Buildings, General Requirements for Contractors on all construction projects (critical issue recap).
Existing Conditions
The existing condition drawings must show the current location of all dumpsters and carts that will be impacted by construction, fencing or traffic pattern shifts.
During Construction
Phasing, staging, and site limit plans must show the temporary location and traffic patterns (vehicular and pedestrian) for all dumpsters and carts temporarily relocated as a result of the project.
All non-essential containers or those to be moved (and the new location), must be denoted on the plans as such. See Container Removal below.
Outdoor Containers
The contractor or construction manager must contact OWRR to remove all non-essential containers (dumpster, indoor bins, and carts) prior to beginning any site work or installing any construction fencing.
The site, staging and demolition plans are to read: “Notify the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling at 919-962-1442 to remove these containers prior to beginning any construction activities.”
Shawn Ellis, 919-201-2832, is the current contact for issues related to outdoor containers and building access.
Indoor Containers
Offices and departments are to clean out files and recyclables prior to evacuating spaces to be renovated. See UNC-Chapel Hill Design Guidelines Chapter IV: Moving Procedures for Bond Projects for more information about preparing for a move or renovation prior to construction. All indoor recycling bins must be removed prior to construction. If any remaining recycling bins remain in the building, the contractor is to contact OWRR (919-962-5169) for their removal.
Amy Preble (919-962-5169) is the current contact for issues related to indoor recycling and file purges.
Construction Waste
Campus dumpsters and recycling bins are not to be used by contractors and their employees. A Solid Waste Management Plan is required for all campus projects. In the plan, the contractor provides his or her plans for construction and demolition waste management throughout the project.
Blocking Dumpsters
Dumpsters and service areas are to remain accessible throughout the project and are not to be blocked by construction activity, gates or vehicles at any time. If, at any time, unexpected conditions cause access to be temporarily blocked, OWRR must be notified immediately.