Construction Requirements
This information supports and supplements information included in the UNC-Chapel Hill Design Guidelines—specifically, Chapter II: Construction Documents Submittal requirements, Chapter III: Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Chapter V: Sections 01606, 01505, and 02070.
OWRR must be placed on the pre-bid meeting agenda to discuss regulatory requirements, the required solid waste management plan, and distribute resource lists to the bidders.
OWRR must be placed on the pre-construction meeting agenda to review the above topics, meet or get the contact info for the project contact, and discuss monthly reporting requirements.
Solid Waste Management Planning Meeting
Prior to the creation of the Final Solid Waste Management Plan, a meeting is needed to review the Draft Plan and discuss monthly reporting requirements. This meeting is to include the Contractor, the UNC Construction Manager, and OWRR’s Construction and Demolition Waste Specialist. Subcontractors may also be included in this meeting or subsequent follow up meetings, as necessary.
Progress and Follow Up
Throughout the construction process and prior to project completion, OWRR, the Construction Manager, or the Contractor may request periodic meetings to discuss progress or difficulties encountered with the development, implementation or reporting of plan requirements.
Draft Plan
The Contractor is required to submit a Draft Solid Waste Management Plan (Section 01505) five days from Notice to Proceed OR prior to removal of ANY waste from job site, whichever occurs first. The draft should be completed and submitted electronically. To expedite the plan review, it is to be submitted simultaneously to the Designer and OWRR in order to expedite plan review.
Final Plan
Once OWRR has communicated requested changes, the Contractor has five business days to submit a Final Solid Waste Management Plan (Section 01505). Any deviance from the final SWMP must be approved by OWRR.
Monthly Solid Waste Management Plan Reporting
In accordance with Section 01505, each month the Contractor must submit documentation (weight tickets, manifests, etc.) of the disposal, recycling, reuse, and salvage of all materials and a summary with each Payment Application. Failure to do so may delay payment. This submittal must be in an OWRR-approved format and the summary must be filled out electronically.
Selective Demolition Reporting
In accordance with Section 02070, items or materials identified during the design process for salvage or reuse must be identified on the plans and in construction documents. Also, the University, as a State institution, is accountable for controlled property and equipment including electrical, mechanical, and plumbing equipment. The Contractor shall deliver any surplus equipment to the Surplus Property Warehouse and return a receipt for the equipment to the Facilities Services Data Control Office.
Project Close-Out Reporting
At the completion of the project, the design team is to provide OWRR and the UNC Construction Manager with a summary of recycling, reuse and salvage activities for the project. This is to include, but is not limited to:
- quantities landfilled, recycled, reused, and salvaged;
- a break down of the types of materials recycled, reused and
- salvaged; the percent of total waste of each of the categories listed;
- the destinations of these materials;
- the economic impact of these activities on the project; and
- any success stories or challenges incurred.
The information on this page can be found in the UNC Design Guidelines, Chapter III. University Planning Standards, Section E. Waste Management, c) Construction Requirements.