Screen Walls
This information supports and supplements information included in the UNC-Chapel Hill Design Guidelines-specifically, Section 02475 B and 02870.
When necessary, screen service areas from public view with constructed elements and landscaping (compatible with the architectural character of adjacent buildings).
Elevation drawings and details for all outdoor service area screen walls must be shown on the plans. See sample drawing of a screen wall around an outdoor cart site.
Red brick should be encouraged as material for all site walls rather than stone. “Napoleon Cap” is preferred including corbelled course near top of wall (similar to old wall behind Morehead Planetarium).
Pierced brick should be standard construction. Double thick “flush” wall construction is preferred over “recessed” brick.
For high walls, such as at dumpster and compactor pads, use “entry posts” to punctuate the ends of walls. The high back wall of the dumpster or compactor enclosure may be solid brick, but double thickness as at pierced walls.