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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is entrusted with a substantial portfolio of space comprised of numerous buildings and land, encompassing approximately 10 million square feet and spanning over 4,295 acres. In our role as custodians of this valuable resource, Carolina embraces the responsibility of utilizing this space efficiently, striving to synchronize space use with the University’s mission and strategic priorities.

It is essential to note that all space belongs to the University and will be assigned in a manner that advances Carolina’s mission and priorities. Space assignment is a dynamic process, and all space assignments are subject to reevaluation to address emerging needs and are not considered permanent. All space requests and allocations will be evaluated and assigned based on the space allocation criteria to ensure an equitable and transparent process.

Carolina manages the allocation of space through the Space Planning and Occupancy Tracking System (SPOTS) application. It is important to note if a unit is making a request, all space assignment data must be current in SPOTS before space requests will be processed. Occupancy and percent-on-site data are utilized by Facilities Planning and Design to understand campus space utilization and inform allocation decisions. Up-to-date information in SPOTS is key to ensuring all space allocation decisions are accurately informed.

Existing space must be utilized as effectively as possible. Any endeavors that require additional space should be addressed first within the respective department’s current allocation. Reach out to your department’s space coordinator to make sure you understand the amount of space your department is allocated. Any space needs beyond existing allocations must go through the request and evaluation process. Department space allocation information in SPOTS must be up-to-date before submitting a request.

All space needs requests will go through the following process:

  1. Submit a request through the Space Needs Request Form.
  2. All requests must be approved by a dean, vice chancellor, vice provost or designee of the respective major campus unit.
  3. Consultation will be scheduled with the executive director of Facilities Planning and Design. The consultation will be focused on learning more about the need and determining possible solutions.
  4. The executive director of Facilities Planning and Design will reach out to space stewards across campus to determine if any campus space could potentially be available to meet the request. If space is potentially available, the executive director will set up a meeting with the current steward and requestor to see if the space would be a good fit.
  5. Major requests will be passed on to the Space Management Committee (SMC), which will evaluate and prioritize requests based on the guiding principles.
  6. If campus space is identified, the requests will be passed to executive leadership for approval. If campus space is not identified, and the unit has funding available, the request will be passed to the Property Office.
  7. The provost and the vice chancellor for Finance and Operations will approve requests and communicate with the chair of the SMC.
  8. The chair of the SMC will notify the person who made the request of next steps, such as completing the Low Space Optimization Narrative Response Form.

The Space Management Committee will meet annually to evaluate, prioritize, and make recommendations for space allocation. Once allocation recommendations are approved by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations the person who made the request will be notified by the chair of the Space Management Committee.

All space requests and allocations will be evaluated and assigned based on the same criteria to ensure an equitable and transparent process. Space assignment will be a collaborative process that consults key relevant campus partners. Space is assigned based on the principles of optimal use and is determined by four main criteria.

  1. Space will be assigned in a manner that best advances Carolina’s priorities. Prioritization will align with the University’s mission, strategic plan, the Campus Master Plan; and goals set by the chancellor and the chancellor’s cabinet.
  2. University space will be prioritized for functions that serve or directly involve students, faculty and staff. When there are competing needs, instructional spaces, student-facing spaces, research spaces and patient care areas will generally take precedence over other spaces.
  3. Evaluation will leverage space analytics to consider how location and other placement variables could impact a unit’s ability to effectively carry out its mission.
  4. Priority will be given to assignments that offer financial efficiencies, enhance revenue, create operational efficiencies or encourage interdisciplinary interactions.
The provost and the vice chancellor for Finance and Operations will approve all space management requests.

Space Management Committee

The Space Management Committee evaluates, prioritizes and makes recommendations for accommodating requests based on the space allocation criteria. The recommendations are shared with the provost and the vice chancellor for Finance and Operations for approval or feedback.

Space Management Committee Membership

  • Evan Yassky (Chair), Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Design, University Architect
  • Lindsay Farling, Associate Vice Chancellor of Budget and Data Analysis
  • Christi Hurt, Chief of Staff to the Chancellor
  • Andy Johns, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Darin Padua, Associate Provost for Academic Operations
  • Jonathan Sauls, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Success and Administration
  • Bruce Warrington, Executive Director of Real Estate Operations

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